How to integrate the Attribute Wizard Pro Module work with Transformer theme and Panda theme

PrestaShop Attribute Wizard Pro Module can work with transformer theme v4 and panda theme v2 by default. Take the follow steps to make everything works perfectly. 1. Modify the /modules/stshoppingcart/views/templates/hook/stshoppingcart-product-line.tpl file: Change 123data-down-url="{$product.down_quantity_url}" data-up-url="{$product.up_quantity_url}" data-update-url="{$product.update_quantity_url}" To 123data-down-url="{$product.down_quantity_url}&special_instructions={$product.instructions_valid}&special_instructions_id={$product.instructions_id}" data-up-url="{$product.up_quantity_url}&special_instructions={$product.instructions_valid}&special_instructions_id={$product.instructions_id}" data-update-url="{$product.update_quantity_url}&special_instructions={$product.instructions_valid}&special_instructions_id={$product.instructions_id}" Change 1href="{$product.remove_from_cart_url}" To 1href="{$product.remove_from_cart_url}&special_instructions={$product.instructions_valid}" 2. Modify the /modules/attributewizardpro/views/js/awp_product.js file: Change 1$('.blockcart').replaceWith(resp.preview); To 1234567891011121314151617181920$('.shoppingcart-list').replaceWith(resp.preview); prestashop.emit('stUpdatedCart');    …

How to get rid of notices on the module configuration page of Prestashop

If you are using Prestashop, you will find that there are notices on the module configuration page if the debug mode enabled, like this "Undefined index: id_xxx". It's a minor problem of PrestaShop, to fix it you need to modify the /src/Adapter/Routing/LegacyHelperLinkBuilder.php file, change the line 1[$entityId => $parameters[$entityId], $viewAction => 1] To…

How to integrate the all-in-one rewards module with transformer theme and the panda theme

Take the following steps to make the links of all-in-one rewards module on my account page be visually compatible with transformer theme v4 and panda theme v2. 1. Modify the /modules/allinone_rewards/views/templates/hook/presta-1.7/customer-account.tpl file: Change 1<a class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12" id="rewards-link" href="{url entity='module' name='allinone_rewards' controller='rewards'}"><span class="link-item"><i class="material-icons"></i>{l s='My rewards account' mod='allinone_rewards'}</span></a> To 12345<div class="list-group-item"> <a class="rewards-link" id="rewards-link"…

Free image optimization module for PrestaShop to get higher scores on GTmetrix and Google page speed insights

Free image optimization module for PrestaShop. Optimize images on your site homepage to get higher scores on GTmetrix and Google page speed insights Download What does this module do? You may get messages like these on Google page speed insights. Serve images in next-gen formats Properly size images and messages like these on GTmetrix. Optimize…